I pinned a quote this morning that said… God made a whole beautiful earth and decided to put you in it, to experience all of this beauty. You can't do that watching television all the time. - Donald Miller…
For me, TV is my relaxation, but it is a crutch I rely on way too much (while surfing the net on my phone, ridiculous I know, but I CAN'T stop!! LOL). I feel the strong need to unplug more and more and yet I find it harder and harder to do. No TV? Not check Facebook? Not surf Pinterest? No instagramming? Are you cray cray?!!? And yet my craft box is full of crafts to finish, my kindle is full of books to read, and half the time I only "think" I talked to my husband about something. SAD. Something drastic must be done. My life feels very busy, but often it does not feel FULL. Not well rounded. And I know that I can do better. I know that I need to do better. To use the time that I am given on this earth to make a difference, use my brain, express myself creatively. This is what God made us for, because in these types of activities He can be glorified. Our social media today is an example of how we long to be connected. But yet in a lot of ways it feels like it keeps everyone at arms length.
So, what am I saying? Am I giving up my smart phone and my hulu account? Probably not. But I do think some refocusing is in order. Some brain growing, some soul searching, some goal setting and dare I say it... boundaries... Yikes! Lots to chew on folks, lots to chew on! So, now that I've rambled on way too long, let me ask you, how do YOU unplug?
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