Sunday, November 17, 2013


Meet the two newest Wilson's!!  The top one is the "good" one the bottom one they said probably won't make it. However, I love an underdog, so of course, I'm crazily rooting for both of them.  I felt like they were giving me a challenge when they said the one probably wouldn't make it. Ha!  

Overall, I am thankful everything went smoothly and that they only had to thaw two. :-) Praying that they stick around for the long haul now! :-). I had a lot of cramping the first two and half days (I don't remember any cramping after our transfer with Titus). My first beta is Monday (11/25) and the wait is nervewracking!!  I go from being totally at peace with whatever happens to feeling like I'm losing the inner battle to stay positive and hopefull. I know we serve a big God and nothing is too hard for Him. But I also know that His ways aren't mine and His perfect plan for our family may not involve meeting these babies here on earth. So I wait, and I pray for them and I pray for us. That we would find peace and comfort no matter the outcome. And be able to walk forward with gratitude for what we do have and what we were able to attempt. 

My devotions this morning were about serving the purpose God put us here for. As God would have it the author of this mornings reading (they are different everyday in this study) has suffered several miscarriages and also lost a baby after it was born and she shared how all of them had a God given purpose that they had served. 

"And do you know, that even those fleeting little lives - those longed-for souls whose hearts beat for 212 days or less - they were on special assignment by Christ? That at the end of their lives, God said “Well Done. Mission Complete.” (and “PS, I’m still working on your Mama...”)" (She reads truth: 5 favorites)

Hello tears!  Thank you Lord for loving me enough to send me a sweet devotion that touched me right where I was at this morning. 


  1. Hi! How are you doing at the end of the 2WW? Glad you are blogging more frequently (you are a good writer!) and glad to have an FET buddy. I am wondering if we go to the very same Dr. K! I've had three failed FETs and one successful FET and will find out next week if our 5th FET is successful or not. We don't have anymore embryos in storage so I am hoping for positive results. Glad I found you! (Well actually you found me!)

    1. Hi back!! Thank you for your sweet comment! I so enjoy your blog and was excited to see a comment from you. Your honesty and optimism have encouraged me SO much! Especially reading about how well your last three little embies did. My negative side tends to feel like our last two (that are currently in storage) are such a long shot, but your little miracles have given me renewed hope that any thing is totally possible. I have been praying for ALL of you. How awesome would it be to see God give you the big family you always wanted all in one shot! :) I do think we see the same Dr K. I love him and have so far recommended four more people to him, and three have gone and two are now pregnant! It's a bit of a drive for us, but we feel that it is worth it. Can't wait to see all that God does in your family as you continue on your journey! May you have peace and keep your sanity during your 2WW!!
