Sunday, December 22, 2013

8 weeks

Here we are at 8 weeks!!! I can't believe it. In fact nothing about all of this seems very real (except for the fact that my pants are barely fitting!!). I feel great. My only symptoms are being tired, and getting slightly nauseated if I get too hungry. I know I didn't get real sick with Titus, but I seem to think I "felt" more pregnant than I do this time. Which makes me worried if I think about it too much.  I am looking forward to our ultrasound on Friday and praying that baby Wilson is still growing away in there. I am embarrassed that I am so worried about it.  I know God is in control it's just getting the knowledge from my head to my heart. 

Staying busy has really helped, so I am very thankful that Christmas is this week. All of the festivities should be a lot of fun with Titus this year (last year he just didn't quite get it). This year he loves all the lights and has redecorated the lower half of our tree several times!! It is so fun when we drive by a well lit house and he exclaims, "oh, WOW!".  Yesterday we went to a really cute Christmas tree farm about 40 minutes away. They have a 5" scale steam train that you can ride!  Titus is VERY into trains right now so he had a blast. 

I finished wrapping everything last night and just have a few things left to put together for the day itself. And of course I still have some yummy baking to do!  So I'm pretty confident the next few days will fly by. :-)

Wishing everyone a VERY merry Christmas!


  1. Great little family picture! I am 7 weeks today and I would say I feel pretty much like you do at this point. Praying for Baby Wilson and a great ultrasound this Friday!
