Monday, December 9, 2013


I think that this week may never end!!!  I am just a bundle of nerves waiting to see if baby Wilson is doing ok in there. But on the flip side I'm so happy to be pregnant again and I know that could all end on Friday, so a good part of me never wants Friday to get here. I just want to keep living in my happy land. 

According to the IVF due date calendar I'm 6 weeks 2 days today.  Still not much to report on the symptoms front. Just extra gaggy, with a little bit of nausea and tired. I am so thankful for every day with this baby and I pray that he or she gets to live a long life and die old and gray in their sleep after I am long gone (in a perfect world, right?). I know that Gods ways are not ours and I don't know what the future holds but I feel like (when I stop and listen) God just keeps speaking to my heart, "I've got this."  Not in a, everything's going to be fine and you will have a happy, healthy baby, kind of way. But more in a He is going to take care of me no matter what happens, kind of way. So I am trying to capture those anxious thoughts and surrender my heart to Jesus, because I know He can take care of it. But it is not easy. And I am far from good at it. Just a big ole work in progress I guess. 

In other news I have now had to give myself my progesterone shot for the second time this cycle!!! Ekk! Those needles are big and it is ackward trying to twist and give yourself a shot in the hip. I had to laugh the first time it happened because my sister was over and she sweetly said, "I'd really like to help you, but I can't" and then proceeded to hide in the living room until I was done. Lol. I could never ask anyone to give me a shot, it's just too much to ask.  Ryan usually does it for me every night and he's really good at it and it rarely hurts. But law enforcement is a rough job and criminals never seem to sleep, therefore he's had a lot of overtime. And twice now it's resulted in me dosing myself up! Ha! However, I always feel like I can take on the world when I'm done!!! :-). So watch out everyone, I'm hormonal AND I can give myself injections!! 


  1. Great job on giving your self PIO shots!! I almost fainted the first time I did it during my August FET. We are having trouble finding spots on my rear/hip that aren't so bruised and sore. I will be praying for your ultrasound on Friday. I am right behind you by one week so I can totally relate to the nerves and that spiritual battle that never seems to end. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  2. Oh those shots! Awful! Praying all is okay!
