Monday, December 2, 2013

Hope is alive and well...

Had to wait till almost 3 today for my third beta results. I seriously thought I was going to lose my mind!!  But the nurse finally called and said, everything looks great. To which I responded, "what do you mean?"  She replied that my number went up to 369, which was great. She said the numbers started out low but that everything seems to be progressing correctly and that the next step is an ultrasound. What a ride. I can't believe I made it to the next "level". I was beginning to think I was going to be stuck in beta hell forever! LOL. 

Now comes the tricky part. Trusting and trying to enjoy the next two weeks. I feel like the low numbers are going to haunt me for a bit. But I don't want them too. I don't know how long I will be pregnant for. I don't know if I will ever be pregnant again. So I don't want to waste this time worrying. God has been SO faithful to get us this far and my prayer is that I can let Him have each and every worry. He can clearly handle this much better than I can. 

Ok, now I need to package up the four pumpkin cheesecakes I baked while trying to distract myself today!! Oh and order more meds!!


  1. Wow!!!! I mean W O W !!!!!! How amazing and incredibly encouraging considering I got a BETA of 50 today. There is hope. Thanks for sharing this incredible journey you are on. It really blessed me today to read this.

    1. There is definitely hope!! Hang in there friend!! It's just a number, the doubling in 48 hrs is what really matters. :-)
