Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ya gotta love dads...

Interesting fact about me, I'm a PK (preachers kid), my dad was an assistant pastor for 20 years.  He has since "retired" from that and has a "regular" job now.  But once a pastor, always a pastor and he is always so great at encouraging me with biblical truths.  He sent me the following email last week and I just wanted to share a portion of it it here. 

You will find peace in trusting Him and focusing on his awareness of your desires.  Every time we are stretched to seek the Lord and trust His wisdom we grow more towards what ultimately he wants in our lives – which is a life surrendered unto Him and in full assurance.  God is good to Israel and he is good to you.  
Pro 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

I'm so very thankful for all of the support I have received throughout this transfer.  I have been so blessed.  But I'm not going to lie, I'm still super nervous about tomorrow.  Scared they won't find a baby in there.  Scared that there won't be a heartbeat and that I won't be able to hold it together.  Scared that I will have to have a d&c.  (How's that for positive thinking??)  My mind really has run away from me a few times over the last few days and I'm getting my monies worth out of my night guard, (it keeps me from grinding my teeth while I sleep, which is what I do when I'm stressed).  But I know that God is in control and that my babies (Titus and this new little one) belong to Him.  Not me.  And that is a hard, but beautiful truth.  All along the way there are new things to worry about, as a parent it never ends.  So at some point we have to just let it go, right?  To know that any "control" we have is just all in our minds anyway.  Whew.  I stink at this.  Lord help me, coz  I need it!!! I want to be like you Lord, I want to be molded into the person you want me to be, I'm just scared of the process.  And I shouldn't be.  I have a good Father in heaven, who wants me to grow and be surrendered to Him.  And He is with me and He loves me SO very much.  Those are the things I NEED to focus on.  Not the "what ifs", and the "what will I dos?".  So glad that He is faithful, even when I am faithless.   

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