Friday, December 6, 2013

5 weeks 6 days

Well I'm trucking along over here. One week out from our first ultrasound and although I get anxious at times I am doing much better than I thought I would. I haven't had much in the way of symptoms but I try and remind myself that 1) it's early and 2) with low (super low in my case) hCG numbers my pregnancy symptoms are going to take even longer to show up. So far what I've noticed in the last few days is that I can small EVERYTHING, and I am very tired. But we were up late a couple nights in a row so it's hard to know if I'm truly super tired or just sleep deprived. Also, today is my first day dealing with nausea. It's stuck around all day so I am hopeful that it is pregnancy related. (I feel kind of twisted hoping that my nausea sticks around, but such is the life of an IFer!!). 

The waiting game is SO hard, but I'm trying to take comfort in my teeny tiny symptoms and choosing to believe that they are baby Wilson related. I wish my tummy had a little window, or some sort of indicator as to how things are going in there. I also almost wish I was having one more beta test done. (But only almost, I'm convinced that waiting for the phone call with the results is bad for my health!!). Anyhow, that's my update for now. Hopefully some Christmas decorating will be a welcome distraction. :-)
Happy weekend!!


  1. Yes! Happy decorating and anything else to keep your mind in the positive zone! May God continue to fill you with patience and hope as you witness the unfolding of his plan.

    1. Thank you! Hope you are surviving your wait ok as well. :-)

  2. Amy, I've missed all this! How?! For some reason your posts weren't showing up in my feed :( Well, I'm so glad I hopped over here so I can rejoice with you. Praying all goes well, friend! Looking forward to the updates!

    1. Thank you for your prayers and kind words. It means SO much to me. Blogging thru this cycle has been very theriputic!! I think of you and pray for you often and I'm so glad you stopped by. :-)

  3. Hi again, Amy! I nominated you for a Sunshine Award. Fitting for your blog, don't ya think? You have honestly been such an encouraging person to me, and I can rejoice with you over what God is doing in your life! Check out the details here:
