Thursday, February 27, 2014

Babies on board!

The newest Wilson's!!! 

Transfer is complete!! Both survived the thaw, but unfortunately neither one looked very good. Dr Kumar said that one (the top one) definitely looked a little better than the other. The embryologist said the damage to them was due to the slow freezing process (which they no longer use). I'm bummed, and a few tears have been shed, but I'm just trying to remember that nothing is too hard for God. I'm praying that God breathes life into their little cells. 

The actual transfer was kind of crazy this time. Dr Kumar could not get the catheter in the right place during the mock transfer and had to end up using a metal catheter that he could thread a smaller catheter through. I have never had any issues before during a transfer so it was all a little unnerving (and painful!). But he assured me that each transfer is different and he thought maybe my bladder was just a tad too full. Ultimately he was very pleased with the embryo placement, so at least that was reassuring. My beta is on 3/10, and of course I usually start taking HPTs 8dpt. 

To my last two little loves... I am praying so very hard that you stick around and I hope that no matter what you will somehow know how very loved and wanted you are. 

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